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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Recent Reads

I must have started about ten different blog drafts over the last few weeks, but my incredible lack-of-focus coupled with my newfound inability to string four words together coherently prevented me from hitting the little orange "publish" button. I'll write about my (amazing) experiences rehearsing for an upcoming set of performances soon, but in the meantime it's time to record some thoughts on my other favorite subject--books.

     As much as I like complaining about the MTA,  New York City's occasionally reliable public transportation system, my commutes on the A train ensure that I have at least an hour of round-trip reading time, almost daily. Even without additional hours reading in bed, waiting rooms, and awkward social situations, that's more than enough time to finish a handful of books each week. Except for Ulysses. To make my way  through a day in Mr. Bloom's life exclusively on public transit, I'm going to need a lot of delayed trains. I will, one day, but in the mean time I've tackled some lighter literary fare:

Magic or Madness by Justine Larbalestier

   With Magic or Madness--the first installment in the trilogy of the same name-- Ms. Larbalestier delivers an urban fairy tale more vivid and compelling than any fantasy novel I've read in the last couple years. Nothing delights me more than a familiar setting (in this case, New York City) saturated in a little magic and mystery. Since I already sound like I'm writing flap copy, I'll spare you a load of plot description and just tell you to get your hands on a copy as soon as possible. I'm anxiously waiting for the second book in the series, Magic Lessons, to arrive at my local library. 

Choosing Gratitude by Nancy Leigh DeMoss

   The latest in Mrs. DeMoss's list of spiritually-challenging books for Christian women, Choosing Gratitude zeros in on the importance of a grateful heart, even in times of adversity. I love that Mrs. DeMoss tackles sensitive issues directly and frankly, but with humility. Her scripturally-based guidance helped me cultivate a stronger spirit of worship. I'm still learning, but her words (and God's!) proved to be an enormous blessing when, the day after finishing the book, my husband and I were faced with a particularly tough financial blow. I also find daily encouragement in the blogs produced by Nancy Leigh DeMoss's Revive Our Hearts ministry.

If You're Reading This, It's Too Late by Pseudonymous Bosch

  No words for this one. Really. Just read the series, beginning with The Name of This Book is Secret.

More reading recommendations (and non-recommendations) to come! What are you reading this summer?

   The Name of this Book Is Secret (Secret Series)

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